Molasses Cookies


Molasses cookies, my favorite. Growing up my dad and I would go grocery shopping at QFC, and he would always buy me this giant iced molasses cookie from the bakery there. It was something I always looked forward to. I remember being so upset when I went one day and there was no icing on the molasses cookies!

I don’t think molasses cookies are very popular, I think most people are unaware of how delicious they are! I find it much easier to find “ginger snap” recipes than the iced molasses cookies of my childhood.

When I saw Joanne Chang had a molasses cookie in her Flour cook book, I knew I had to try it! This recipe was so easy, and the most popular of all three cookies from her book Flour that I made for our post elopement party (the other two being snickerdoodles and the hazelnut chocolate chunk). These cookies are warm, and perfectly spiced. They have that classic, perfect chewy texture and crinkly look of a molasses cookie, dusted with sugar to entice you to take a bite. This recipe is a keeper for absolutely text book molasses cookies. Next time, I am adding icing.


Rosemary Shortbread Cookies


Strawberry Chiffon Cake