The Only Blueberry Muffin Recipe You Need


When I saw the winning recipe from Pancake Princess’s blueberry muffin bake-off, I knew I had to get blueberries and get baking ASAP. The recipe comes from the blog Hummingbird High where she worked hard to develop a recipe reminiscent of the muffins at the Levain Bakery. These muffins had MASSIVE muffin tops and a recipe that was simple, yet contained subtle details that lead to recipe perfection. This carefully curated recipe is one where you can see the love and time put into developing this recipe.


Almond flour was the surprising ingredient int his muffin, to add lightness. One tip, I found my muffins that used muffin liners came out better. The recipe states just to spray the shit out of the pan, but I found the muffin liners made removing the muffins while keeping those big ol muffin tops in tact simpler. Also, when she says to fill the muffins to the top, she means it! Really do overflow your muffins. The muffin should be domed above the muffin pan for the most dramatic muffin tops. You have to try this recipe!!

Next up, I have to try her recipe for banana cinnamon muffins! Stay tuned, my bananas are almost brown enough :)


Find the recipe here


Banana Cinnamon Muffins


Almond Amaretto Pound Cake