Shortbread - Tartine

Mark loves shortbread, and I have been making a lot of it lately. After making Joanne Chang’s Rosemary Shortbread, I fell in love with this simple style cookie. So I decided to try the basic shortbread recipe from Tartine.

Unfortunately I would not make this recipe. There are a lot of great shortbread recipes out there, and I just didn’t feel this was one of them. This might make a good base for a lemon bar, but it is very crumbly/sandy in texture. You can see how crumbly it is in the photo below. Mark still loved it, and butter and sugar is going to taste good, but this will not be my go to recipe. So far I prefer recipes from Joanne Chang and Dorie Greenspan.

After I made this recipe, Pancake Princess did a shortbread bakeoff, and tasters described the shortbread as “dry, crumbly, and sandy”, however Erika herself really enjoyed it, so please keep in mind that this texture is just not my personal preference.

Recipe can be found in Tartine Revisited


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